Grace Church Milton Keynes

Alpha at
Grace Church

Everyone has questions. The Alpha course explores life, faith, and meaning in a relaxed and informal environment.

Alpha Course

About Alpha

Alpha is a 8-10 week course that provides an opportunity to discover more about God, the church and Christianity. During a typical session we eat, watch one of a fantastic series of videos, and then give space for discussion.

No two Alphas look the same, whether we meet in a pub, a home, or a coffee shop, they generally have three things in common: food, a film and good conversation.

Food, Film and Conversation

We start with food because eating together is a great way to get to know each other. It might be coffee and cake, a main meal or just dessert.

Food is always followed by a film that explores big issues around faith and unpacks the basics of Christianity.

Then there’s a chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic. There is no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you can’t say!

Everyone is welcome. Why not come along, bring a friend and explore life with us on one of our upcoming courses?

Sample Film

For a sample of the Alpha films we watch, see here:
Is There More to Life Than This?

Alpha Course Location

Course Dates and Location

Our next Alpha course is coming soon in January 2025.
We're really excited to be holding this next course at Lovat Fields which will be a fantastic venue.

Our launch night will be 14th January 2025, 7pm-9.30pm

Sign up via the button below, or email to register

Lovat Fields Village, Japonica Ln, Brickhill St, Willen, Milton Keynes MK15 9ED

Find us on Google Maps


We run Alpha at Grace Church in a variety of ways.
We've been at The Ship Ashore Pub in Willen, Simply Good cafe in Grange Farm and often run courses online on Zoom. 
If one of these other options suits you better please get in touch and let us know, so we can tailor a course soon to suit you!

Alpha Sign up
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