Grace Church Milton Keynes

Groups at
Grace Church

Our small groups have one simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life he intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why our GC small groups exist – to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you, and together to go deeper into all that Jesus has for us.

Mens group - Sons & Brothers
Mens group - Sons & Brothers
A group led by Step & Paul that seeks to grow closer to God, and to support and encourage each other to be men of God.

Mondays (Fortnightly- second and fourth Monday)
The Alpha Course - Evening
The Alpha Course - Evening
Alpha is a great way to introduce your friends and strengthen your own understanding in the Christian faith. It's being held weekly, currently on Tuesdays online. For more detail, visit our Alpha Course page.

Tuesdays (Weekly)
Mixed Group - Online (Zoom)
Mixed Group - Online (Zoom)
PJ Gibb leads an online group (through Zoom) open to men & women whose aim is to develop a relationship with God and each other and seek ways to love and bless the lives of our family, friends, colleagues and all who we are in contact with.

Tuesdays (Fortnightly - 1st & 3rd Tue)
Mens Group - Real Life Discipleship
Mens Group - Real Life Discipleship
Tim Gannon will lead a group centred around how we encourage one another and spur each other on in life, relationships, work, parenting and following Jesus.

Wednesdays (Fortnightly)
Ladies Group - Kents Hill
Ladies Group - Kents Hill
Sam & Pavla are hoping this group will provide support, encouragement and help one another grow to know Jesus better!

Wednesdays (Fortnightly)
Developing the Leader Within You
Developing the Leader Within You
We're all leaders! I sincerely believe we're all called to serve and influence those God has placed us near to... AND probably the hardest person we'll ever lead is ourselves- so even in that we need lots of help! So come along if you want to really grow in the leader you already are and are still becoming! I plan to use some content from a book (Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 - John Maxwell) plus a range of other resources as appropriate.

Wednesdays (Last Wednesday of the month (but only 6 times a year))
The Grace Course
The Grace Course
Running ONLINE on the first Wednesday of each month, involving video teaching and chance to pray and discuss in groups. Groups will then be encouraged to pray and (hopefully!) connect throughout the month to further discuss and apply the learning from each week Topics will include: Freedom, Shame, Courage, Peace, Fruitfulness, Victory! For more information see the video here:

Wednesdays (Monthly)
Ladies Group - Daytime
Ladies Group - Daytime
Vicky Webb, Jan Wyatt & Shirley Palmer are aiming for this group to be all about friendship and encouragement. We share thoughts on the preach from Sundays and the particular chapter we are sharing together as a group. Also testimonies and subjects for prayer. We meet weekly- fortnightly on Zoom, and fortnightly in person for coffee & cake!

Thursdays (Weekly)
Mixed Group - Lovat Fields
Mixed Group - Lovat Fields
All are welcome to this new group led by Shirley and Richard meeting fortnightly: 6.30-8.30pm at Lovat Fields Retirement Village (all are welcome- residents and non-residents alike) The group aims to be a friendly and relaxed evening with prayer, worship and chat, with a focus on God's word.

Thursdays (Fortnightly)
Young Adults Lifegroup
Young Adults Lifegroup
We're a group of young adults aiming to get to know God better together and encourage each other through food, community, prayer and God's word. We know young adult life and faith has it's unique challenges and we want to be there for one another in all the highs and lows! We usually have a (free) two course meal, hang out and get into the Bible. We also plan to organise occasional outreach focused events like film discussion nights. If you're 18+ and consider yourself a young adult you're very welcome to join!

Thursdays (1st and 3rd Thurs evening of the month)
Youth Lifegroup (Y10-Y13)
Youth Lifegroup (Y10-Y13)
Youth Lifegroup aims to equip, encourage and empower young people to live loud for Jesus. Through engaging with the Bible, developing friendship and enjoying good times, we want to grow closer to God and each other. Life in a broken and ever changing world is often difficult and complicated; but God is our reason to hope and there are good answers to honest questions. We hope you can come along and be encouraged as we discover more of the reality and goodness of God together.

Thursdays (2nd and 4th Thurs of the month)
Mens Group: Prayer and help for the journey
Mens Group: Prayer and help for the journey
James Davies will be leading a small group (on zoom) in which through prayer we're real about our struggles, grow as brothers and celebrate our faith wins.

Fridays (Weekly)
ALL IN (Mixed & All Age)
ALL IN (Mixed & All Age)
Join Erica, Alison and families on the 1st Saturday of the month for fun, socials & friendship for all ages and stages of life. Even if you are already part of a life group, you are still welcome to join us too. We'll eat together and have a simple, all ages included, time of sharing & prayer. All are welcome, the chaos that comes with family is no problem here! Our first meeting is on Saturday 2nd March 5pm - 7pm. Venue TBC. Please email Erica at to let us know you are planning to come. It would be wonderful if you could bring a salad, drink, side dish or dessert to add to the table.

Saturdays (Monthly)
We're always open to add new groups at Grace Church so please chat to us if there's a particular group you'd like to be part of that would serve you. It could be a day/time/location or a particular emphasis you're drawn towards and so please let us know- and you never know- you could be a key person in helping others get blessed in that way too!

Good Company
Good Company
Carolynne Icke's helps coordinate this group to provide connection and touch points activities for single, divorced and/or widowed people. (there are currently arounds 10-15 in the group from a wide range of different churches in MK. Although primarily female, men are allowed too!) We arrange meals, go for coffee and sometimes even walks! Events will be planned for roughly once a month although we can have more if needed! If interested, for further details and to be added to the WhatsApp group, email Carolynne with mobile number on

Other (Monthly)
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