Grace Church Milton Keynes

Prayer at
Grace Church

We are convinced that Jesus hears and answers our prayers. If you have a prayer request or you are able to share with us an answer to prayer, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know what we can pray for and we will pray through every prayer item as a staff team this week

Your Prayer Request
Prayer Clinic

Prayer Clinic

We'd love to take some special time to pray with you and for you! This is the heart behind The Prayer Clinic. If you'd like some prayer with some of our staff team or key leaders please get in touch to organise a time either on  Monday lunchtime or at another time to suit you.

Sunday Night Prayer

Sunday Night Prayer

Join us at 7pm on Zoom for 30 mins of prayer for our city, our nation and the nations! We keep this short sharp and focussed and step into the privilege of using the powerful weapon of prayer...
(for links to this and all our prayer meetings sign-up to our regular emails via the contact page)

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Mornings

At 9am until 10am there will be an open hour of prayer to seek God, rest in this presence and pray for our church and our city. This time of prayer is open for people to arrive and leave at whatever time suits you. Meeting at The Chrysalis Theatre.

Monday Lunchtime Prayer

Monday Lunchtime Prayer

We now have a small team who pray for a whole host of people and issues surrounding our church and our city. Please let us know how we can pray for you!
(for links to this and all our prayer meetings sign-up to our regular emails via the contact page)

The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course

We have been so blessed by the teaching of Pete Greig and the 24/7 prayer movement and have recently enjoyed going through the prayer course. All the content is available for free online - click here to access the teaching yourself or watch this space for the next time we run this course in the near future!

Other Prayer Times

Other Prayer Times

Encounter Prayer & Worship night - Sundays 7pm

Six times a year we have a fantastic opportunity to gather together to worship, prayer, grow in spiritual gifts and spend some uninterrupted time ENCOUNTERING the presence and power of Jesus!

© Grace Church 2025. Registered Charity No. 1156871. Policies & Documents.